The Four Trails that wind through this blog.

This blog will be organized as if one was out hiking in nature. Each trail will have its own focus, but all trails will interwind, cross and crisscross and interconnect.

Spirit Trail - will wander into the wilderness of spirituality

Cosmic Trail - will meander into the worldof subtle energy

The Chastity Trail - will trace the route of Chastity and how it influences the other trails

Tongass Trail - will stop at trail overviews for reflection on my personal journey

Because of the intertwining of the Four Trail and the way that information is added, it might be best to begin reading from the end and working forward. You can also use the index to the right to find various topics of interest. Please remember to make comments and ask your questions.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This Protector System Works for me and it is Inexpensive

Jock Photos from International Jock

Wearing a ball trap chastity device has been very difficult for me which is why I now wear the Carrara Male Protection System Steel Belt.  I never seemed to be able to wear the CB3K, CB6K or the Mr. S. Chastity Cage for longer than three days.  By that time my balls were sore and my scrotal skin roughed up. 

So I dug out my cup jockstrap and began wearing it. It after all was invented for male protection. I wanted chastity so I didn't need to have a lock on it. The cup jock was a constant reminder that I was protected and gave a nice bulge in my pants. I wore it to bed so my hands could not stray during sleep. 

I recommend this system as needed or as a great inexpensive way to begin serious chastity work. 
I prefer to first put on a thong or jock to hold my cocklet nice and tight. Then I put on the cup and another jock to hold it in place. You can use a regular jockstrap or a cup supporter. 

Now if you want to take it a step further  to keep from touching you cocklet, 
when ready to shower leave your thong on.  Soap and wash your groin keeping your hands outside the thong.  Rise. Remove the thong. Rise again. Pat dry and put on a clean thong followed by your cup and jock.  You can do all of this with touching your cocklet. Remember no stroking. 


  1. Dear fellow-boy Tongass,

    this is indeed a very intriguing description for a low-budget protection if a boy is really devoted to strictly not stroking. In such case, the reminder of the protector, even if not locked on him, is just enough for cultivating his boy-energy. i especially like your suggestion to have a thong under the protection-jock, keeping it on even for taking a shower.

    i once read about just using regular jocks for keeping a boy in line. There it was recommended also never to take them off other than for immediate change to a fresh and dry one. But you are fully correct, a protection cup will add to the feeling of a boy to really be protected.

    For some boys, this unfortunately will not work though. There are some boys, that really need to be locked and stay under key. And there are some who really enjoy their adventure as a boy the most if really locked, with their nub constrained in a small tube, even if they never would intend to break free from it. The latter ones including me. But nevertheless, the option you present here is also very appealing.

    Most horny regards,
    your fellow-boy Keuschling

  2. Like you fellow-boy, I "love" the feeling of the cocklet constrained in a plastic or metal tube, but as I stated that doesn't always work for me.
    Now I am locked inside my Carrara Male Protection Chastity Belt and revel in the constriction and security.
