The Four Trails that wind through this blog.

This blog will be organized as if one was out hiking in nature. Each trail will have its own focus, but all trails will interwind, cross and crisscross and interconnect.

Spirit Trail - will wander into the wilderness of spirituality

Cosmic Trail - will meander into the worldof subtle energy

The Chastity Trail - will trace the route of Chastity and how it influences the other trails

Tongass Trail - will stop at trail overviews for reflection on my personal journey

Because of the intertwining of the Four Trail and the way that information is added, it might be best to begin reading from the end and working forward. You can also use the index to the right to find various topics of interest. Please remember to make comments and ask your questions.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Master Chirenon Creates a Photo-Story about my blog

Master Chirenon my chastity master created a link from his blog to mine. It was his idea and encouragement that made this blog possible. I am grateful to him for getting me started and providing expertise. Thanks to him I am enjoying this blogging  and hope that others will find it helpful. 

Here is a link back to his blog and this posting. Once you are there take some time and explore all the wonderful and creative photo-stories.  His trails leads this way...... While you are there you can read the comments too!


  1. my dear fellow-boy Tongass,

    i think your blog is extremely helpful to other boys, including me. As the wisdom, experience and philosophy of you is just so valuable and intriguing. i would love to learn much more from you about it.

    i was very excited about the work of our common Master Chirenon, creating such fabolous captions of you. And i am so happy about you being my fellow-boy within His great online-harem of boys.

    Our common Master Chirenon is a very wise Master, guiding and teaching us very well and just so professionally and very perfectly. But yet it is still an enrichment for us boys to share our experience, giving each other true motivation to follow the path of cultivation of our boy-energy, for the pleasure of our Master as well as our well-being as the boys we truly are.

    Most horny boy-regards,
    your fellow-boy Keuschling

  2. My dear fellow-boy Keuschling,

    Yes we indeed are blessed with a very wonderful Master. Thanks for you encouraging words here and every time you have posted on the Male Protection blog. I always enjoy your comments and extended story lines.

    I am delighted that my contributions have been intriguing and valuable to you. Just let me know anytime if there is any way that I can expand the information or make it easier to understand.

    It is wonderful to be in such a wonderful on-line harem.

  3. My dear fellow-boys Tongass and Keuschling, I enjoy your posts here and on Male Protection. You both are so willing to share your experience with other boys and girls.
