The Four Trails that wind through this blog.

This blog will be organized as if one was out hiking in nature. Each trail will have its own focus, but all trails will interwind, cross and crisscross and interconnect.

Spirit Trail - will wander into the wilderness of spirituality

Cosmic Trail - will meander into the worldof subtle energy

The Chastity Trail - will trace the route of Chastity and how it influences the other trails

Tongass Trail - will stop at trail overviews for reflection on my personal journey

Because of the intertwining of the Four Trail and the way that information is added, it might be best to begin reading from the end and working forward. You can also use the index to the right to find various topics of interest. Please remember to make comments and ask your questions.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Do You Dream in Chastity?

Last night I enjoyed my most intense, erotic and sexual chastity dream yet.  Let me explain. When I first became serious about protected chastity it took several weeks before I dreamed of myself in a chastity device in a dream. That particular dream and several others were rather short snippets of me being protected.  For me these dreams symbolized that my desire for chastity crossed over from the conscious world into the dream world. I thought of them as a “big step” into a chase life-style as my unconscious and spiritual life was embracing chastity.

Last night I had a rather long erotic dream about participating in a play party. It should be noted that this was a lucid dream in that I knew I was dreaming. I could feel my cocklet straining against the metal tube of my Carrara Chastity Belt even while in the dream state.

In this dream I was in my protector and playing with a restrained man who was not protected. After a short while someone came over checked my protector to make sure it was secure and then put my playmate into a full chastity belt also. He was restrained and unable to do anything about it. But after it was installed, he seemed to accept it and our play continued. We were also made away that a video camera was recording our session.

I woke up feeling extremely erotic, full of energy, horny and with my boy cocklet stuffing my chastity protector.

Do you dream in Chastity? Willing to share any of your dreamscapes?

1 comment:

  1. Dear fellow-boy eugene,
    yes, i can report that i also had a dream with me in my protector. i was in public, no real sex-related scene, but everybody i met there made very positive and supportive comments about me wearing my protector. It was all well accepted and cherished, and left me just to feel good and positive all about being protected, with no need to hide. i wished someone, my special one, would have been included to take advantage of it though. But maybe this is not the time for it, and i just have to wait for more. So i am just happy about it, although at first, i was very confused what it could mean.
    Best regards,
    your fellow-boy Roland
